Practice Areas

Employment Law

KLF’s California Employment Law Attorneys Can Help Employment law concerns all matters related to work. Whether you are having a wage issue with your employer, experiencing discrimination at work, have been misclassified as an independent contr… Read More

Off-the-Clock Work and Overtime Wages

In California, a non-exempt, i.e. hourly, employee must be paid for all hours of work. This means that the employee cannot be required to clock out and keep working because, for example, they have reached the end of their scheduled shift but still ha… Read More

Meal and Rest Breaks

An hourly employee must be given a 30-minute unpaid meal break each day for shifts lasting more than five hours. The meal break must begin at most five hours into the shift. For example, if an employee clocked in at 9:00 a.m., they must begin their l… Read More

Misclassified as a Salaried Employee

Just because an employer chooses to pay an employee a salary instead of an hourly wage does not mean that that person should be exempt from overtime pay, meal breaks, and rest breaks. If an employer is wrongly treating an employee as exempt, i.e. b… Read More

Misclassified as an Independent Contractor

Employers will sometimes deny that their workers are even employees, instead treating them as independent contractors. Employers do this because they do not have to pay overtime or provide meal and rest breaks to independent contractors. Moreover… Read More

Unfair Commission Policy

Under California law, an employer must disclose the terms of a commission agreement in writing. While a commission may sometimes be referred to as a ‘bonus’ they are different from bonuses in that their payment is not optional for the employee. I… Read More

Vacation and Sick Time

California Vacation Time Law In California, once an employee earns a vacation day, that vacation day cannot be taken away from the employee without compensation. Even when an employee quits or is fired, all unused vacation days must be paid out to th… Read More

Missing/Inaccurate Wage Statement Information

California law requires employers to include certain information on the wage statements they issue to their employees. Among other things, wage statements must state the name of the employer, gross wages earned during the pay period, all deductions b… Read More

Wrongful Termination

California has arguably the strongest laws in the country that protect employees from wrongful termination. An employer is forbidden from terminating, i.e. firing, an employee for any of the following reasons: Race, ethnicity, age (over 40), sex, gen… Read More


California law strictly prohibits an employer from discriminating against an employee on the basis of race, ethnicity, age (over 40), sex, gender, sexual orientation, religion, martial status, physical or mental disability, medical condition, and mor… Read More


Employees may experience harassment in many different ways. While sexual harassment is probably the most well-known type of harassment, employees may also be harassed based on their race, ethnicity, age (over 40), sexual orientation, religious belief… Read More

Consumer Law

KLF’s California Consumer Law Attorneys Can Help Consumer law is a varied field. It encompasses all sorts of issues related to an individual or business purchasing goods or services. Everything from faulty products to unfair competition, false… Read More

Wildfire Compensation

The aftermath of a wildfire can be overwhelming. Losing homes and possessions is a tragedy. The loss of life and the ill health effects are devastating. At Kizirian Law Firm, P.C., we extend our deepest sympathy to those who have suffered from these… Read More

Data Breaches

Companies increasingly fail to safeguard the personal and financial information of their customers. Either because businesses inadvertently release private information or because outsiders hack into corporate systems, data breaches have unfortunately… Read More

False Advertising

While it often doesn’t seem like the case, companies can’t actually say whatever they want in advertising their goods and services. Businesses operating in California must comply with the state’s false advertising laws. These laws protect consu… Read More

Product Liability

Businesses may be liable under California law for products liability in a variety of circumstances. First, a business may be held liable if a product is defectively designed. For example, if a cabinet is poorly designed such that it easily tips over… Read More

Unfair Business Practices

California’s Unfair Competition Law protects consumers from unfair business practices. What constitutes an unfair business practice is very open ended. Courts have used terms such as immoral, unethical, oppressive, unscrupulous, and substantially i… Read More

Unwanted Texts, Calls & Faxes

In many instances, federal law protects individuals and businesses from receiving unwanted text messages, calls, and faxes. Different rules apply based on what sort of device is receiving the communication. How Our Consumer Law Attorneys Help You KLF… Read More